Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Art of Love:Is Monogamy Dead?

Looking at the world for what is now and for what it once was. We live in a world flooded with incurable diseases, yet everyone is "hooking up" or "smushing" with anyone and everyone like there aren't any consequences for random sex. To top everything off it's glamorized in hollywood , on covers of magazines and gossip sites. Hvae we let hollywood and the lustful side of sex blind an entire generation to what "REAL LOVE" is? I remember watching old movies as a child and thought how dreamy it was to see a man try to win a woman's affections. Back when a woman caught a man's eye with simple elegance and a smile. I enjoyed watching people just "COURT" each other. No one night stand, no drunken sex, no booty calls just simple romance. Two people just falling in love. Of course life isn't like the movies. I took a stroll through downtown Memphis and I remember seeing a lovely elderly couple. They were holding hands along the riverside starring at the river. I stopped and said to myself "I WANT THAT,THAT'S REAL LOVE". Where did the love go? I personally don't date anyone who isn't willing to be my friend first. Generation NOW should really take a page out the Casablanca era of romance. I'm all for freedom of expressing yourself, but when did being a whore (male or female) come in style or the cool thing to do. Are we over sexing society? The word "LOVE" has been over saturated with false hopes through this idea that SEX=LOVE. I dated a guy that said "If we have sex (on the first date!) we'll have the best relationship. I was speechless at how desparate he was trying, even after I repeatly stated I wanted to wait until I am married. I dumped him fast than trash at a dump. Even before I dated him I've had problems with guys and sex. It's just not a priority when love is the only factor that matters to me. Sex is a choice and I chose to wait for love and commitment that involve a union of two soulmates bound by God. That's just my choice. I just feel bad that this generation will never truely get to have something so captively beautiful as love in the older days. Seems like now love just sits on the back burner to sex. Everyone wants to "JUST DO IT", but can't even try to learn how to love properly. People are jumping in and out of relationships, divorcing left and right and treatin cheating as a norm. We have simply let these thing gradually adopt into our society. It all comes back tp personal choices in life and I chose LOVE! There's not a drug nor a exspensive bottle of alcohol that can get you higher than love can. If it means being single (Almost 2yrs and loving it :) )embrace it and try your hand at just dating until you meet "THE ONE". Just keep in mind what kind of love is your priority and simply "MAKE YOUR OWN SMART CHOICES" that will trually make your heart happy. Well as, give you the real love that everyone deserves and is entittle to in this crazy thing we call LIFE+LOVE.


  1. I don't think monogamy is dead with people that truly want it. However there are so many celebrities saying it is ok like it's normal to get married, then for example 72 days later they are divorcing. If you are willing to go into a committed relationship then you need to be fully committed. I'm not saying every once in awhile you won't think "what if I found someone else, or other what ifs" that doesn't make you a bad person. If you act upon those feelings is when you become the bad person. What is even worse it seems it is taking longer and longer for people to grow up and fall in love. By that time they have already slept with at least half a dozen people and they never think how it can affect things later. I do think there is monogamy, but it's only rare because you hear of so many immature people constantly out there sleeping around or doing whatever they please. Just don't give up hope!

  2. I agree and I can never give up on love its something I believe in its something thats just apart of me kinda one of the main ingredients God made me with lol it takes up part of my being its just sad that the world dosent see how beautiful and pure it is I look at my greatgrand parents relationship up until my grand father died they argued and REALLY WENT THROUGH SOME HARDCORE STUFF (got stories for days) but love is what kept them together and its a simple blessing. I think love to most people is like a pile of money everybody wants it but nobody wants to work for it.
