Saturday, May 19, 2012

Morning Star Product Review

In the name of all things good never in my life have I thought that my love of great food would lead me to the vegan/vegetarian commercial products in all places Walmart. After years of battling my digestive issues with IBS, I've managed to figure out a few ways to ease the very uncomfortable and occassionally embarrassing problems associated with this condition. I took to the web in search of ways to dilute my little big problem. I ran across information about adapting to a vegetarian diet will help stablize the symptoms of IBS. So over the last few years I have been doing a vegetarian detox sort of speak until I was ready to full commit to the life style. Now on to the MORNING STAR PRODUCTS I was walking down the frozen food section of my local Walmart store and saw a very small selection at the time of vegetarian/vegan friendly food. At the time I was a renewley wed to the vegetarian/pescatarian life style and wanted to try my had at some quick fix food products. I first tried the Morning Star Black Bean Burgers. They were soooo good even my southern down home country kitchen cooking mother was so impressed with my "Hippie Burgers she asked for more. A few months later I stumbled across some thing new in the now growing vegan/vegetarian friendly food section at my local walmart. Since summer is right around the corner and I live in Memphis,TN (The land of bbq and fried food) I felt a little sadness in my tummy about missing out on my favorite BBQ goodies. Until I saw the Morning Star Riblet. OMG there aren't enough words to explain the explosion of joy that came over me when I bit into this riblet. It was so yummy and I enjoyed every bite of it. The sauce was delicious,it wasquick and easy to make and only costed about $4.00 2-pak unit (for healthy food that's cheap). I decided to eat it on whole wheat bread since I don't care for white bread much. This product reminds me so much of the imfamous Mc Donalds Mcribwhich. IT TASTES JUST LIKE IT!!! Can you say product clone anyone. I'm so glad that I dont have to miss out on my favorite summer grilled goodies. They even make hot dogs and chicken nuggets of course they are Vegan/Vegetarian friendly. So I'm such as super fan of Morning Star products now and I can't wait to try some more products from this company. I'm definitely stocking up the freezer next time.

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