Wednesday, February 19, 2014

DIY Honey+Olive Oil Deep Treatment Mask

Honey+Olive Oil Deep Treatment Mask

You will need: 
(Amounts will vary depending on your hair type and length adjust as needed)

Olive Oil
Plastic Cap
Large Towel
Additional Essential Oils
Applicator Bottle

  1. In a medium size bowl combine the honey, olive oil and any additional essential oil or carrier oils of your choosing and stir well. 
  2. Gently warm the mixture then transfer to a applicator bottle for easy use. (May want to use a funnel for easy clean up)
  3. Place large towel around shoulders.
  4. Apply warm (not hot) mixture to damp hair before or after hair cleansing routine. Working mixture in sections from ends to roots. Detangle hair before in sections for easier usage. 
  5. Place plastic cap over hair, making sure to cover any exposed hair.
  6. Allow to let sit at least 20 mintues (without heat) or 10-15 mintues (with heat) (I used a hour without heat) 
  7. Remove plastic cap and rinse using warm water. Continue with hair cleansing regimen or regular styling routine. 
This treatment is a easy deep treatment for healthier stronger and shiny hair. The use of honey and olive oil is a perfect combination for adding shine and moisture among other things back into the hair. Honey, a natural shine, humectant and strengthening agent. Olive oil, when used on the hair treats many things such as dandruff, frizz, dull hair, dryness etc. I loved using this treatment as a "Pre-Poo" (Pre Shampoo) treatment before Co-washing (Conditioner cleansing) my hair. My hair felt very soft and was easier to manage. Weeks after using this treatment I notice my hair was a lot stronger and I didn't have as much shedding or breakage as I did before. I highly recommend using this treatment at least 2 a month. PLEASE use an applicator bottle I didnt and it was a mess lol. 

Side Notes 

  • This treatment can be thickened and made into a deep conditioner by adding in a heavy amount of raw sheabutter or any thick conditioner you have on hand. 
  • I recommend using Coconut oil, Vitamin E, Teatree oil or Peppermint oil to this treatment to combat scalp issues or for addtional benifits.
  • When rinsing make sure all of the treatment is flushed out with warm water. Honey makes the hair hard once it dries.

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