Wednesday, February 19, 2014

30 day Crunch+Squat Challenge 2014 Weight loss update

So I'm gonna give this another go. Last time I got kinda bored and started adding things to it, but this time I'm gonna stick to it as is. I will be doing squats using the same outline. This year I'm in another head space with working out I have been doing ok in the fitness department lately. I'm waiting on mother nature and old man winter to get over themselves and let the spring move right on in. I can't wait to take long walks around the block and sweat. I grow tired of in home fitness sometimes, but this should hold me over until spring kicks fully in. So far my weight has been stable and I'm seeing a drop in weight. I also see a change in my body far as stomarch, legs and arms. My clothing are getting loser. Jeans I couldn't fit a year ago are now getting a little too big for me now. I started my healthy journey Jan 7 my first weigh in was Feb 7 coming in at 264.9. I'm proud to see that set of number there was a time when I was 300+ lbs. Ive been smaller 170 ish and gained my way back to 280lbs+. I've been through ups and downs and I must say this time my mind is in the right space. I love my body now Im beautiful and very healthy with no sickness etc but I want to be healthier. I see a vision for myself. I see myself getting married having kids one day running around with them being an active parent. I want to be a better me. Health and fitness outside of inner wellness and  healing is the right way to go for my life right now. I use to lose weight for all the wrong reason in return is the reason I gained it all right back. I give this advice ALWAYS do things in your life for YOU. Never lose weight to fit this ideal image that the world displays to us. Everyone isn't gonna be a size 2 or 22. I don't want to be a size 2 but I do believe in being happy. Be happy with the true you and go into a weight loss journey being realistic with yourself. Make sure your mental is taking care of first before commiting yourself to anything in your life. Without the mind you are nothing more than a zombie. Prepare yourself set up meal plans and workout schedules to fit your life and try to be as healthy as your life allows. Im gonna do my best Im in no rush to drop pounds and I'm just gonna take my time and see how it goes. I have a goal of 80lbs at the most. Wish me luck. :)

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