Monday, February 3, 2014

Starting Over in 2014

I've been away from my blog here for a few weeks now but I will be back soon to make some major updates. I have been trying out products, recipes, diy projects etc to name a few things. I even enrolled in school and will be starting at the end of the month. I took time out to live life away from my computer screen and got inspired to make alot of changes in my life. I am starting a new path in my life and will enjoy the lesson and growth that will be coming from it. I will be taking time this year to explore learn and educate people on the many things I've over come. I feel it is my calling to reach out inform. My goal this year is to better my self, my life, my education, my career, and everything I do. I'm excited for this new season I'm about to coming into and I thank god for everything I have ever experienced in life. Working on some new things for my this blog well as my YouTube channel. To my readers I say thank you and stay tuned for my special updates coming in the next few weeks. 

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