It's been almost 3 years since I transitioned and 2 years into my natural hair journey. Over the course of that short time being natural I have developed a bit of a problem collecting hair products. I don't even know how this even started it just slowly crept in like a bad fart on an crowded elevator. When I was relaxed I never was into buying and spending money on products. I was like a guy if was cheap and gets the job done I bought it. I think since being natural I discovered a love for my hair that I didn't have before. Let me be honest for a minute here and make this statement . I HATED BEING RELAXED!!!! I only stayed relaxed because it was all I knew outside of wearing braids and a ponytail. I'm so glad I made the change from relax to natural. No more chemical burns, long noise salon visits, and spending $60+ just to have my scalp burned off every 6-8 weeks (so don't miss those days). After getting rid of one problem I kinda developed another. At first it started by me not knowing what products worked for my hair, because I didn't know the basics of natural hair and the whole hair typing thing. Once I grasps the basic knowledge about natural hair, then finding out the different kinds of products and how to properly use them for my type of hair things got a lot easier. I started to find a few staple products some not so nice products. Then something created a spark in me that I never had before. The more I researched the more I was interested. The more I was interested the more money I was spending on products. Fast forward I was hooked on trying every product that caught my eye, especially if it was on sale with a coupon marked down in the clearance section type of product. I was watching YouTube product hauls and reviews like they were hardcore porn movies. I looked up one day and notice my bed room was dominated by an organized prison for hair products. They were every where!!! In my closet, in a costume trunk, in a plastic 3 tier container, in the bathroom cabinet, almost a year worth of curl kit boxes and in the shower. I've tried giving some of it away and there is still too much left. So I have to face the music. I am Girl Friday and I am a product junkie. I never thought I would of seen the day I admit I love products because I love my hair. I've been doing pretty good lately using up stuff but still I find myself buying things. At least its things like conditioners that I use up in no time and things to make deep conditioners with. I've been only trying to buy things when I have to or are things that I really use on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. I plan on giving away most of the hair products I have left to newly natural women since I know how hard it was for me starting out. So here are a few tips I'm learning on my road to product junkie recovery.
Product Junkie Recovery Tips
- Clean House- Sort through all your products if it hasn't been used at least 4-5 times in the last 6 months put it in a box to be given away. Most likely your not gonna use them, some one else could.
- Inventory-Make a list of all the products you use by category (Shampoo, Conditioner, Deep treatments, Leave-ins, Moisturizers, Stylers, Oils, Tools, etc) By doing this you know exactly what products you use in your regimen and won't wonder or purchase other products.
- Restrictions&Limits- By setting up ground rules you only use what products you have and only buy what you need.
- Fighting Temptations- When getting the urge to walk down the isles of the supermarket hair section
- Stop and turn around you have plenty of products at home you can use.
- Look but don't touch you won't buy it if you don't touch it.
- Take mental inventory of products and come back to them when you use up products you already have at home.
- If its a product you use REGULARLY and its on sale its ok to stock up on but not ok to horde (No more than 4-5 bottles of a product at one time)
- Always keep a list of the products you NEED not WANT on hand when your out shopping.
- Recover Slowly-Take your time it's a process we are creatures of habit. A "PJ" addiction is just like any other addiction you can relapse if you don't take the steps needed to control it.
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