Thursday, May 9, 2013

30 Day Crunch&Squat Challenge Week 1 Update

Week one check in the good and the bad......
So this week has been better than I thought give or take a few things. Let's start with the good first since everyone always loves good news. I've been very physical and very active. I had to change the routine by kicking it up a notch. I felt the challenge was a little too easy so for the first couple of weeks I will be doing 100 crunches and squats (which is what Ive been doing most of the week). This was a personal choice of mines I need a to kinda push myself a little more than normal. Turns out my body really likes the ideas of this change. I'm really starting to feel it and I like working out. Now the bad SMH... I have been having a bit of a dilema in the food department. Two things have been going wrong either I'm not hungry and don't want to eat or I'm implse eating or PMS eating is more like it. I've been a vegetarian for a year and a half now and not have any urge to eat all day isn't new to me. It freaks me out really. I've been a big girl all my life minus one year out of my 25yrs of life. This has been happening for the past 8 months now on and off and I've been noticing it more now. I have to plan my meals to make sure I'm eating enough to power my body. I didn't plan my meals last week and it showed. Then there is the impulse eating. I didn't go far off in the deep end and chug a dozen of dounuts but I did have some not so healthy things (to my standards) i.e. a coffee drink, banana nut muffin, etc. Nothing horrible but nothing I should be eating right now. I eat pretty clean for the most parts and eat full balanced healthy meals about 85% of the time. I'm very honest and open about my eating. I've always had a eating problem and it's one of those things I'm still working on but I'm doing better since becoming a vegetarian. I'm still amped and excited to be doing this challenge and I will continue moving forward with it. I'm focused on eating better I will be addding more reps to the routine since right now its a 100 x 1 for each workout then it will double up soon. I love how my body feels a little sore but I know it will be all worth it : )

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