Friday, July 27, 2012

Married men&Guys with girlfriends (Session 1)

So I'm about to head back in to the dating game after a 2 1/2 yr leave of absence (by choice). I have notice some major changes in the playing field. I don't fully remember it being cool or the it thing to date someone with a mate (married or not). I don't fully judge those who chose to date married men or men with girlfriends, but I just know it's not for me. In this case 'sharing is not caring". Society has changed to the point where things that weren't okay are becoming the norm. I asked myself "How long have I been gone?" In reality as the sign of times change so do the attributes of the world and the people who live in it. I've always caught the eye of at least one eye no matter where I go (i.e. the grocery store, the bank, the park, book store, mall,etc.). Without saying a word I can just tell by my spidey senses (intuition) that A he's married or B he has a girlfriend or is a certified skirt chaser. One of the things I look for is the obvious 'The Ring", but the vocal and physical body language that they are giving me. If I feel like they are being TOO anxious or eager to talk to me or even too secretive to talk to me to get "The Digits", 9 times out of ten there's a catch to him. I have come across once or twice a guy who I would like to call a "Phantom". You can't tell nor pick up on anything about him. He seems like a normal guy, but he has hidden any clues that would other wise set off an alarm in any woman's head. He's a pro and has done it many times that he has perfected his skills in this area of his life. This type of guy is few in many but does exsit. With any man or woman, love is a gamble. You have to be willing to put your heart out there. Knowing what you want and need while not settling for less than you deserve. Standing your grounds will be the key to dating successfully dating. (LESSON LEARNED)There will come a time somewhere down the line where a woman comes across a problem. I did. Simply walk a way (if not run). I made up in my mind at the tender age of 19 when I started dating that I will not date a certain kind of man and a married man is very high on the list (if not #1). At the age of 20 I did unwilling (at first) date a guy who was in an relationship. It was hard for me to stop having feelings for this guy. Once feelings, time, and energy has been invested into something its hard on a woman to just drop everything and leave if she not use to it. Those things have already set up camp in my heart and life. I stayed around it caused major damage to my life and heart. The healing time after that was about 2 years before I dated again. I got away from him and just got to know me a whole lot better. I never though I would never (EVER) be in a situation like that. I took it as a stepping stone in my life. I will never do that again (EVER) Back to my first few thought of the open letter of advice. Lately I've been getting approached by married men and guys already in relationships. Have men lost their damn minds or do I attract a certain kind of man? Makes me wonder do I set off an alarm or scent that attracts them. It's not until they notice my pleasant yet dominant personality that they catch on that I know the game they are trying to play. I conduct myself like a lady 95% of the time there is that 5% that slightlty wants to hog tie these types of guys and throw them on the back of a truck going to "a place where dogs go to die". You just have to know sometimes. Weither it be by experience or instinct. Listening to what your conscience and heart are telling you. If something is off about a guy or even feels out of place in your mind (common sense)and organize all your thoughts. God would've never given a woman intuition if he didn't think she would need it - GIRL FRIDAY Session 2 to this topic coming soon

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"The List"

"The List".... You know the list every woman has one. A certified "Do or die" grocery list of things that she wants in or out of a man. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with having a list. There is a big difference when that list is as long as your arm and is filled with some unneccesary "illegal substance" that would cause more harm than good in finding a mate. Nothing's greater than a woman who knows what she wants in a man. That's just a sure sign that she knows who she is, what she wants, and how she want it. Eventually every woman (some mostly with age)will know what kind of mate they want to find, attrack, and settle down with. Knowing what part of the list is important, what part is negotiable and what part is just a filler, sorta speak. Even I myself have compliled a list. It helps me think and organize my thoughts and vision in a physical (ink&paper) form of what my over all idea of the "perfect mate" would be like.
The 3 min list exercise
One technique I use to help guide me through this list was not sitting around making a a shopping list worth of stuff from ideas that just bounced out my mind onto the page. I sat down with a pen and pad and timed myself as I made this list 1 min to write all the important things I NEEDED in a mate. 1 min to outline the important qualities, negoitable qualities, and the fillers that I didn't need but noted with in the list. Then taking the last min to look over the list made arrange things a neccesary. By doing this exercise you allow your self to think about the most important things needed in your mate. After I finish the exercise I keep this list some where special (i.e. in a diary) to remind me from time to time. I do the same thing with my life goals (long and short term). It's ok if you don't complete the list in the time frame OR you missed writing a few things on the list. You can always make a new list and thats the best part of this exercise. The fact that your focused enough to write anything down was a big step in the right direction. You can always make another list, which you should do from time to to see if anything changed. The biggest key point to know in all is KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!!! Trust me it will save you a lot of time, tears, and heart break. Even in my 24 years of life on this earth I'm glad that I went through a lot of my bad and some time short lived relationships. I haven't had many relationships, but since taking a step back (2 1/2 years) and looking at how I was dating/who I was dating allowed me to think and understand more about what I needed and wanted in a mate. I've been using this exercise for every area of my life for past 3 years and it has helped me in those time when I need to see my thoughts on paper instead of letting them float around in my head taking up room. This a great exercise for both males and females who need a step in the right direction. Stay posted for my next exercise..........

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Natural Hair: The Complete EcoStyler Gel Review (All Colors)

Youtuber/Vlogger MAHOGANYCURLS breaks down one of the popular and most used hair care products in the NHC (Natural Hair Community)
I enjoyed watching this video. MahoganyCurls gave a great personal perspective on each individual gel, while listing additional information in the description box of this video. I'm a big fan of ECOSTYLER GEL, "Olive Oil" is my favorite out of the line of products. I came across this video while researching hair care products and yet again a "HOW TO WASH AND GO" video on Youtube(#I SUCK AT WASH AND GO'S). I'm glad I did click on the link to this video. I will be trying the "ARGAN OIL" BRAND FROM ECOSTYLER. Hopefully I'll be able to have more luck this time around doing a wash and go. Check out the video below and stop by MAHOGANYCURLS on Youtube she has excellent videos on all your CURLY GIRL needs and just great videos period on natural hair.