Wednesday, May 1, 2013

30 Day Crunch and Squat Challenge

It has begon!!! The 30 Day Crunch&Squat Fitness Challenge is live and in effect as of now. I'm very excited to start this challange since my normal routine has gotten so dull and boring. I saw this posted on facebook and had to at least give it a try. I will be following this formula for both challenges (crunches&squats) I may double up on the routine (morning&night) to get the best results out of the challenge. Im gonna start at 6am-9am before work on most days and 9pm-10pm on most nights. Far as nutrition I will be on a mostly greens, veggies, fruit, large portions of water and high solid proteins i.e. tofu, protein bars or shakes (vegetarian grades for me of course). No direct sugars and high carb foods allowed no cheat days!!! I'm very excited and pumped. I've been getting motivated by watching CT Fletcher videos via The man take no BS and says it like it is.... the TRUTH. I'm gonna hopefully work my way up to lifting weights this summer and become an iron addict but we all have to start some where. Why not start with a challenge??? I will be posting updates through out this challenge and keeping an open face diary weekly to use as a reference later on. I wish everyone luck who will be accepting the challenge and hope you give it your all and try your best. Good Luck...XOXO... - Girl Friday

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