Thursday, May 9, 2013

30 Day Crunch&Squat Challenge Week 1 Update

Week one check in the good and the bad......
So this week has been better than I thought give or take a few things. Let's start with the good first since everyone always loves good news. I've been very physical and very active. I had to change the routine by kicking it up a notch. I felt the challenge was a little too easy so for the first couple of weeks I will be doing 100 crunches and squats (which is what Ive been doing most of the week). This was a personal choice of mines I need a to kinda push myself a little more than normal. Turns out my body really likes the ideas of this change. I'm really starting to feel it and I like working out. Now the bad SMH... I have been having a bit of a dilema in the food department. Two things have been going wrong either I'm not hungry and don't want to eat or I'm implse eating or PMS eating is more like it. I've been a vegetarian for a year and a half now and not have any urge to eat all day isn't new to me. It freaks me out really. I've been a big girl all my life minus one year out of my 25yrs of life. This has been happening for the past 8 months now on and off and I've been noticing it more now. I have to plan my meals to make sure I'm eating enough to power my body. I didn't plan my meals last week and it showed. Then there is the impulse eating. I didn't go far off in the deep end and chug a dozen of dounuts but I did have some not so healthy things (to my standards) i.e. a coffee drink, banana nut muffin, etc. Nothing horrible but nothing I should be eating right now. I eat pretty clean for the most parts and eat full balanced healthy meals about 85% of the time. I'm very honest and open about my eating. I've always had a eating problem and it's one of those things I'm still working on but I'm doing better since becoming a vegetarian. I'm still amped and excited to be doing this challenge and I will continue moving forward with it. I'm focused on eating better I will be addding more reps to the routine since right now its a 100 x 1 for each workout then it will double up soon. I love how my body feels a little sore but I know it will be all worth it : )

Monday, May 6, 2013

Shea Moisture Hair Coloring System (First Impressions)

Tis' the season for sun and holly fa la la la la la la la la. I don't know about you but I can't wait for the summer. Just like most women the mark of summer means whipping out the swim gear, the short shorts, your best pair of sunglasses and the many different styles of sundresses (don't forget the opened toed heels). Now we can't forget the different hair styles along with the delicious array of colors to match. After a long weird fall/winter living in Memphis, Tn I think its time to change my hair up a notch (BAM). Like most women period I need a change ever once in a while. Since summer is my favorite time of year why not switch it up a bit. I've been thinking about coloring my hair on and off for the past few months now. I was against it since it took so long for my last color application (while transitioning almost 2yr ago) to fully grow out. I still have a little color of honey blonde left on my ends as we speak. I loved the (Textures&Tones) "Honey Blonde" it was a good product but I don't think I was ready for the aftermath of color back then. Yet, I have this strong urge to experiment with color again. So I took to the internet to do some research on products that wouldn't harm my natural hair, that weren't filled with super harsh chemicals but would still give me a nice color pay off nothing super intense but a great quality of color. I came across the Shea Moisture Hair Color System (  for $14.99 after seeing reviews for most of the 12 colors on youtube I think we have a winner. This coloring system doesn't have super harsh ingredients and actually has some good pay off in color from what I've watch. Besides Shea Moisture is a company that me and my hair can trust because they have natural hair care in mind. I love the fact that they not only give you the color in the kit but some of their imfamous shampoo, conditioner etc to use after your coloring application. I have dark off black hair minus the very ends of my hair so Im thinking I'll have to go with my first choice of the Bright Auburn (I LOVE RED HAIR). I do want to lift my hair a bit because it is so dark in color so I've even thought about using the Dark Golden Blonde first then follow up  6 weeks later with the Bright Auburn to get a better color pay off. I don't want to use the 7 stages color booster pack that I normally use out of fear it would give me a super intense color of red is the reason for wanting to use the Dark Golden Blonde first (since the blonde coloring on black hair gives a slight lift without making the hair traditional blonde). I haven't seen these in stores yet here in Memphis so most likely I will be ordering them from and I will order 2 boxes of each color since I have a lot of hair and want to make sure I have enough to complete my whole head of hair. I'm excited and simply can't wait I think these two colors are going to look hot on me :) Even thought about doing

Some additional tips I've learned through reviews and videos
  • Use thicker gloves
  • It takes time to see the color so a strand test is recommended for this product
  • Make sure you have newspapers or a large towel covering the floor when applying the color
  • Using the "Bottle Method" instead of the applicator brush works better for the coloring process
  • Makes sure you work in the product very well
  • Follow up with the products included in the kit
  • Keep your hair moisturized after the coloring applicaition for best results (color care rules)
  • Enjoy your new hair color : )

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

30 Day Crunch and Squat Challenge

It has begon!!! The 30 Day Crunch&Squat Fitness Challenge is live and in effect as of now. I'm very excited to start this challange since my normal routine has gotten so dull and boring. I saw this posted on facebook and had to at least give it a try. I will be following this formula for both challenges (crunches&squats) I may double up on the routine (morning&night) to get the best results out of the challenge. Im gonna start at 6am-9am before work on most days and 9pm-10pm on most nights. Far as nutrition I will be on a mostly greens, veggies, fruit, large portions of water and high solid proteins i.e. tofu, protein bars or shakes (vegetarian grades for me of course). No direct sugars and high carb foods allowed no cheat days!!! I'm very excited and pumped. I've been getting motivated by watching CT Fletcher videos via The man take no BS and says it like it is.... the TRUTH. I'm gonna hopefully work my way up to lifting weights this summer and become an iron addict but we all have to start some where. Why not start with a challenge??? I will be posting updates through out this challenge and keeping an open face diary weekly to use as a reference later on. I wish everyone luck who will be accepting the challenge and hope you give it your all and try your best. Good Luck...XOXO... - Girl Friday

Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair Deep Treatment Masque

Price Point $7.99 - $8.99
I first came across this line of products a few months ago while shopping at Walmart. I wasn't a stranger to using the original line of Cantu hair products. I've tried everything from the creamy shampoo to the now imfamous leave-in conditioner and have always enjoyed using Cantu products since I started transitioning (May 2011) and into my natural hair journey. I've always been a fan of Cantu products because of the great quality and reasonable prices of their products. At first glance of the Natural Hair products from Cantu I was curious and very tempted to try them but I was on a strict no buy at that moment in time and  had to past on them. Fast forward a couple months and half empty product stash later, I started seeing reviews well as vlogs via youtube which lead me back to the Deep Treatment Masque. Being in the 4 hair type catergory my hair was screaming for a new deep conditioning treatment since my Elasta QP DPR 11+ gave out and no longer worked to hydrate, moisturized and deep condition my thick head of hair (we broke up). I decided to go a head and try the Deep Treatment Masque and I must say I was very impressed with this product. It retailed for 7.99 - 8.99 in most places here in Memphis, TN. The product was delicious in smell, thick in consistancy and had a lot of product in th jar. I was able to saturate my hair in it's pina colada coconutty goodness. I applied it as I would normally do any deep conditioning treatment after shampooing, conditioning, and detangling well as sectioning off my soaking wet hair into fat twists. I followed the direction, (sorta) but made a few adjustments of my own to fit my hair needs. Instead of leave in the products for 30 mins with a plastic cap I left the product on for 1 hour and a half. I did sit under a hooded dryer (went old school) for an hour then just kept it on for an additional 30 mins while I finished some errands around the house. I was amazed at how conditioned my hair was when I rinsed out the product. My hair was in big twists and I simply started to squeese out the product while standing under the shower head. Since this product doubles as a leave in conditioner I wanted to leave a little bit in my hair. I rinsed out about 90% of the product out of my hair. I was able to finger detangle with no problem and started my normal routine for my twist out. The next day after I untwisted my twist can you say soft and supple hair like it was nobody's business!!! This product is going in my staple product stash as my go to hair mask for now on. Over all this makes me want to try more products from the Cantu Natural Hair line. The Curling Cream is next on my list to try out from this company. I would highly recommend this product to any person with thick hair or who have problems with abtaining moisture in their hair. This product well as the many different Cantu products can be found in local beauty, grocery, super centers, drug stores in most cities and can be found on many online webstores. Video review coming soon