Tuesday, July 23, 2013

ORS Hair Mayonaise (Squeeze Tube) Review

Price Point $5.49-$7.49
This product is not a complete stranger to me, but I am new to using it in general. My mom use to use the old formula all the time. I remembered the smell the look and the thickness of it. I was a little weird about trying this since it was a NEW formula. I bought it any way and it set up in my product pile for two months before I actually used it. I waited until I really needed a good protein based deep conditioner I did my normal routine shampooed my hair using Taliah Waajid Total Body black earth shampoo. I section my hair off in detangled twists and applied the product from the back (nape) to the front area. Working the product in using the finger comb method. It was easy to use, thick and creamy like most deep conditioners I buy. One thing I didn't care for was the smell of this product. It wasn't a bad smell it just reminded me of Cool Water cologne that the old men use to wear back in the day with a hint of spice and mayo lol. Never the less I placed my plastic cap on my head and sat under ye' old hair dryer for 30 mins. I wanted to push this products abilities and left it on over night. Old man juice spray smell and all. I rinsed the very next day. My hair was very soft and conditioned. I give this hair mayo it props it's kinda nice. I honestly can't say if I would try this product again. It wasn't bad it just didn't rub me the right way for some reason. Maybe the old man juice spray smell did it. They changed this product from what I remembered as a child growing up. I will say it's worth a try. I ended up cleaning out my product stash and gave this away to my sister in law. She enjoyed this product it soften her hair after having her hair in braids for 2 and a half months. It's a great treatment to put back into the hair. It was worth a shot. No direct hard feelings, but I would give it a new scent.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tropical Roots Twist Cream by Bronner Brothers REVIEW

Price Point $4.99-$5.99
Normally I like to test out a product at least twice or in a months time  before giving a total review of a product. I follow this protocol to ensure that I give a product a fair chance, testing it out in different ways in my current hair regimen according to my current hair needs or season. This product is going int the PRODUCT HALL OF FAME!!!! I only used it once and I am very impressed. This product was purchased at my local beauty supply store for $4.99. This product has a very light almost tropical pineapple smell. The consistency is a very thick yet creamy white based cream. Which is why I love thicker products for my hair. The product claims to seal, no build up, flakes, lasting hold and maintains different types of natural styles. For once a company got it right. It did everything it said it would do, which is awesome. It left out how great of a shine it keeps. I started using this product with my go to style of a twist out. I got CRAZY definition with this cream. Coming from a woman with type 4 hair its hard finding a product that give us amazing results. You normally have to go through a million products almost to find at least one that's half way good.
Tips when applying this product:
  • Apply on wet or damp hair
  • Use a light but hydrating leave-in conditioner
  • Apply your favorite oils lightly to the ends and shaft of the hair before applying this product
  • Use a finger tip of this product on detangled hair for each strand before twisting 
Over all I would highly recommend this product. I will be keeping this in my stash of products for the fall/winter months ahead. This is one of the best moisturizing twist/curlcreams I've ever tried. A keeper I say  keeper!!! ENJOY :)  XOXO -GIRLFRIDAY

Friday, July 12, 2013

Cocoa Curls Cleansing Conditioner by NeutraLab Product Review

                                                                                              Price Point  $6.99-$7.99
I first eyeballed this product last year and was a little more than cautious to try it, since I've wasn't familiar with this product. I of course took the naturalista's routine of reading the labels for directions, ingredients and every company's open promise that this product should give to me (The Consumer). I'm glad that I gave this product a try. At first glance I was okay with the ingredients. I'm not super hard or picky on products that have more norishing ingredents than "BAD" ones that my hair can use. The consistency was perfect, thick and creamy. The smell of this product was very suttle and not overly fragrant. It reminded me of the Queen Helene Cocoa Butter stick when I was younger. I followed my normal wash day routine. Stepping  bare naked in the shower, turning the knob and letting the water cover my head for a minute or two before applying my product of choice. I loved the consistency and major slip it gave me. After less than two rounds with this product, I was hooked, lined, and sunk into this stuff. My hair felt like butter, detangling was easy and my hair was very moisturized. I followed up with the my special oil blend, a little of my perfect 7 leave in conditioner and Ph Balanced Moisture Gel from this very same line. Over all I enjoyed this product and most likely will keep this in rotation at least for the summer and early fall. There's nothing bad I can say about this product. I give this a major green light for transitioners, newly naturals, and veterian curly tops alike to give this product a try.
(VIDEO VLOG REVIEW COMING SOON--------->www.youtube.com/GirlFridayblog)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Open Conversations: 1:2 Necessary Fear

 Fear is defined as something that causes feelings of dread or apprehension, something a person is afraid of. Everyone has a fear whether it be a physical or an emotional restraint. Yet, every fear is of the psychological paradox that exist according to each separate individual and sometimes can be applied to certain ethnic or social groups. In my 25 years of life I can say fear was necessary. As a child I experienced a lot of pain in which would manifest it's self into this huge intity of fear that followed me into my teen years and my ealier 20's. My fear was necessary for the personal development that has helped me become the young woman I am. I never knew I would become as strong, wise, or loving as I am now. As a little girl I grew up watching my parents divorce and the aftermath that followed. I lived in poverty and watched countless sense of violence in my community. I experienced some personal woes i.e. abuse, depression, social anxiety, self inflictions, insecurities etc. These things use to break me down into so many pieces . As a teen my soul was so tortured, my heart was completely empty and I would try my best to hide it all inside. I didn't want anyone to know. It made me so angry and depressed. I shed so many tears but these same things that made me cry I am proud to say I have experienced and over came. I still struggle with depression but I take it one day at a time and have gotten better over time dealing with it. Looking back at my life I let fear hold me back from so many things. Love, friends, college, dreams and goal etc. Some good and some bad but the thing is I never got to get the experience and the lesson that was waitng in those lost moments. Fear puts a hold on you and you become a prisoner to those fears. It becomes the master and you become enslaved to them. I lost so much time and years that I can't get back. It was all necessary every tear cried heart break broken and scary moment. A few years ago I decided I was tired and couldn't take any more pain and I had to make some changes. I conquered those fears and put them behind me. It took everything in me, every drop of faith in me but I look at all the people I have helped because of everything I went through. The wisdom learned I get to pass along. I'm in such a better place in my life. Rebuilding myself into a great woman allowing greatness into my life. One day I will be able to sit my children and neice down and tell them my story and give them the encouragement that will help them not be afraid to conquer their fears they will face in their life time. One thing about fear it doesn't stay dead . You have to keep fighting and pushing yourself to over come any thing fear has to throw at you. Fear is what makes us human, it's what make being human worth living for. It helps to give us a choice a sense of direction to the path we want to take. To conquer, over come, and become triumphant in this journey of life. Learning, growing and ever changing into hopefully better humans than when we first started............TBC..........> 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Open Conversations1:1 Total Heart Recall

Amazing how a week and 2 days ago I wasn't thinking or feeling rather about anything thing or any person. I was just in my own little world keeping my feelings and thoughts in the back grounds of my mind like old memories. Just going with the motions of my simple day to day life. Then out of the blue a person pops up and makes you rethink and unjustify your previous feelings. Being a young woman whos been in very few relationship, which have all ended in heart break and anger for the most part i've learned my lesson and I've learned from my mistakes. My last relationship was 3 years ago and the guy I dated was EVERYTHING I could ever hate in a man. He was just horrible but I'm glad I had the common sense to end the relationship before it got worser than it already was. It took every drop of strength mentally and emotionally to walk away from that situation. I shut my heart off after that.I just didn't want to deal with another guy like him. I didn't want to be reminded of the lost effort and all the wasted time and love I had in my heart. It created a new fear in me which over time has died down but still shows it's presence at time. I took time out and got to know me and fell in love with me I never knew how strong I was or how beautiful I was until I stepped away from dating and got over the pain. It took time to heal my heart it took time for me to realize that I am a good person, a good woman and I am worth being loved by a good man. I learned that I didn't have to settle being with a guy just to have some type of feeling when I can be with someone I that I actually love&trust and that actually loves me back and wants to be the man in my life. Over time I've grown a little stubborn to dating since people in my generation believe in sex over love. I'm a old school fool can't do that. Being 25 and being a virgin at that dating is very hard when in your heart you just can't comply with today's standards. I gave up on dating to just live my life solitary until I met someone who was worth my time and emotions. Fast forward 3 years love has only been a fore thought and it has become something I put on the back burner. Something happended a week ago that struck me. I ran into someone I had feelings for in my past but kept quite about. I didn't know how non chalant or cold I was until after they walked away. Ever since then I've been rethinking a lot of things I've been thinking about this person. I can honestly say that I'm a little scared of how it makes me feel. It's not that I'm not willing to at least try it's just the fear of what if? They say love is a gamble and I have only one more shot left in me I just don't want to waste it. I don't think my heart can survive another break......TBC......>

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ori Essentials Cleansing Conditioner (Co-Wash)

I was first introduced to this lovely product in the May Curlkit box. This is my first natural co-washing product that I've ever used. I must say I am enjoying this product. I'm not a stranger to Ori Essentials line since I've recently tried the leave in conditioner in which was also from the April Curlkit box. (Got to love Curlkit for that) I enjoyed the leave in conditioner so when I saw this product one month later I couldn't wait to use it. I followed the standard hair washing method wet hair, apply product in sections, finger comb product through hair. I thought it was interesting that this product as it states doesn't sud like a shampoo but cleans like a soft cleanser. I was able to just finger detangle and didn't have to use it more than once in one wash application. One of the few perks of this product outside the fact that it's a natural product (CG friendly) would be the good slip and smell. I really like the smell of fresh bannana - tropical coconut type of aroma. This product left my hair so soft and clean. I have been thinking about repurchasing this product since I live in the south and the summers here are extremely hot and I find my self co-washing more often than in the cooler month. I've been building my summer hair care staples and this has made it to my favorites list for simple go to product. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who co-washes more than shampoo or anyone looking for a nice natural product that simple and just all around just yummy  and easy to use. It's definetly worth trying out.